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Old 11-06-2008, 01:04 AM
Phil Coggan Phil Coggan is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: South Wales
Posts: 899
Default Re: "THE TWENTIES" Guns

Originally Posted by Chapi
If bulino is easier than scroll, why do we shade scrolls with lines instead of bulino style? I have always wondered that, but especially now that I am struggling with line shading. I am thinking the answer has to do with tradition, but is there any other reason?
Sorry, I don't think I answered your question properly.
Dot work is easier than lines because there's less chance of going too deep or missing the line or slipping.
Scroll can be shaded with dots with great detail but it takes about ten times as long and does'nt look so clean and sharp,
Hope that answers your question.
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