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Old 03-15-2007, 08:59 AM
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Danny C Danny C is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Hurricane, UTAH
Posts: 880
Default Re: An American engraver in Italy

I agree with the comments - up to a point (at least my point). Design IS KING but the TALENT IS EVERYTHING! There are a great many people who have learned how to engrave (or paint, or draw, or sculpt) who really know the technical aspects and have a modicum of talent. They produce acceptable to pretty good work, but those with talent are the ones that produce really good work, then you add in artistic ability and it goes in to the "eye wateringly good" (outstanding) catagory. One can be learned, and with practice it looks like talent - but it is always just short of 'WOW', and that is where the ARTISTIC TALENT comes in. There are a few who post here, and other places, that are in that catagory, but it seems like Italy has kept most of it. The talented-artistic ones with a natural inclination to engrave are the cream of the crop. It isn't so much the place as the inate ability of the person. There (in that one area it seems) they do more engraving, as that is the most exposure in that area.

Well, back to "hacking" my way through some poor defenseless hunk of metal!

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