Thread: color engraving
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Old 02-09-2008, 10:44 PM
Roger B2 Roger B2 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Posts: 345
Default Re: color engraving

G'day to all,
When I first saw the images of the coloured engraving a couple of years ago I too was beguiled and puzzled at how it was achieved.
One of the major successes of this and similar websites is the willingness of contributors to share knowledge, however one cannot expect the trials and errors put in by an individual over a couple of years to be handed over at the drop of a hat to such a large group of potential users. We have a couple of choices - we can either take what information has been provided and work with it to try to copy the original technique or we can enjoy with wonder what others can do through their own hard work.
I don't expect nor would I want people to stop sharing. When I have had enough experience to devise something new that would be of interest to others I would indeed share it too.
Wishing all well,
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