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Picture Tie Chain Emblem Engravings
These are an alternative to tie clips or tie tacks, and they are interchangeable via lobster clasps - engrave and wear it - nice little conversation starters, too.
Bob in SF 3 05-01-2011 03:59 PM
Picture Mixed Pictures
gravalance 21 04-30-2011 03:40 AM
Picture jewelry
made from scratch
mixa 6 04-29-2011 10:43 PM
Picture winchester
mixa 5 04-29-2011 10:17 PM
Picture Hobo Nickels
My hobo nickels thus far...
AndrosCreations 23 04-27-2011 09:46 PM
Picture SS Vaqauro
blazer35 13 04-27-2011 06:05 PM
Picture drawings
This is a small sample of my artwork. I am just getting interested in engraving and hope my drawing can eventually translate into a new pursuit with the help of others who have made the journey.
mmelson 3 04-27-2011 08:37 AM
Picture Chance
First rifle I engraved, horses name is "Chance" .
ChuckG3 2 04-21-2011 01:56 PM
Picture my work
I make pen and ink drawings using the stipple or pointillism technique.
gtidaho 2 04-08-2011 11:28 AM
Picture stuff I've done
In here you will see some of the thngs I have done. All of this was with an old rotary paragrave system. I am by no means a pro but I am still learning. These are custom lowrider bike parts for the most part. I am trying to do homework and improve my scroll design abilities and I am also trying to learn to use a graver. I will be purchasing a Lindsey system in the near future.
ChadB 60 03-31-2011 07:50 AM
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