Originally Posted by Steve Lindsay
Wow - Wonderful design and cutting! You are super at this. ![Smile[2]](/images/smilies/top smiles/smile[2].gif)
thank you very much Steve, much appreciated. I want to take advantage and ask you and other members. What do you think of the shading? Any suggestions on this? Maybe deepen the lines where they converge? In person the contrasts are more vivid, the dark areas look much darker, but in the photos they look lighter, I am not sure if this is a problem with the engraving or the fact that I am taking the photos with a mobile phone and a homemade light box or I'm using a permanent marker to ink everything. Please, I am not afraid to hear criticism of any kind, I am prepared for it, I need advice to help me improve, So do not be afraid to hurt me, you will not, on the contrary.