Originally Posted by -Daniel-
Thank you, now the knife makes sense ![Smile[2]](/images/smilies/top smiles/smile[2].gif)
And will it be used to cut leaves later or is it a collectors item?
There is really almost nothing to complain or to criticise on your work. You can find flaws even in a masters work. Your shading looks perfect, dont worry about it. The design is fantastic aswell. One might argue about the design but thats just because of personal style and what one person prefer. But thats like arguing if coffee is better than tea if you know what i mean.
IF i should point something out than maybe you could add a few shading lines on the biggest leaves. There is a slight imbalance between shaded and non shaded areas. But again, thats just personal preference.
Thanks Daniel, I think it will be used as a collector's item, but the owner can use it to make his own cigars, this knife will go to a Humidor Gallery, we'll see what happens🤞. I fully understand what you explain about preferences, tea and coffee 😂😂, I want to thank you again for your opinion, they are very appreciated and very useful, I like to hear different opinions, when we spend too much time in a job we adapt to it and we miss things that could improve and more if we are beginners. Only those outside can see such things. This usually happens to even the most experienced teachers, imagine what can happen to me 😂😂😂. I don't know if I explained myself well, I think an ancient painter turned the painting he was working on upside down or covered it up for a while to try to solve these vision adaptation problems. I will keep it in mind for future jobs, there is no time left for this. I will also put much more interest in shading when drawing