Hello all, I am a new guy with quite a bit of talent in art, with a huge shortage on funds (college tuition is a pain to pay), so I was wondering a few things about building my own gravers (actually a manufacturing student who owes me a favor wil build it, I have no tools). I am a student in Computer Aided Drafting, and have access to quite a bit of materials, I just don't have the time to take courses in Manufacturing myself.
How thick and long should the tool steel be? (I plan on starting on Aluminum stock and some brass scraps).
Are there any plans online or whatnot for a vise? (again, he owes me BIG time for drawing up those parts).
Are there any tips or point designs I should avoid?,
I have an idea for something fairly basic, and can draw them up in CAD, I just don't want to stomp on a patent or be guilty of stealing someones copywritten tip design. I am also in the process of building a CNC mill to cut out basic shapes of jewelry so I can hand engrave them and also cut out acrylic computer chassis, and implement hand engraved Aluminum designs on the.
I absolutely love this art and am dedicated to becoming the best artist I can become, I just hope you all as Graver Gods can bestow knowledge upon my thirsty soul..............
![Lol[1]](/images/smilies/top smiles/lol[1].gif)
, yeah the last statement was cheesy as all getup, I have an eccentric personality