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Old 04-28-2008, 05:21 PM
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jimzim75 jimzim75 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Zurich, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 186
Lightbulb Re: The storm before the calm

Depends if your doing work for other jewellers as I do. Or just your own
retail clients.

What I've been doing lately for the other jewellers is letting go of the troubled
accounts. Those that seem to take forever to pay. It doesn't stop them
from bringing work, but if you classify them as casual accounts, or COD accounts.
It cuts down on the time drain. This leave more time to concentrate on high
end custom order accounts that pay on time. The only other cure for the
problem is to hire help or farm out part of the job that can be done by
some other company at a reasonable rate. Casting, Molds, or rough finishing.

If your doing just your own clients. Again Help is the answere. This I have
with my wife who know personally the private retail clients.
She dates everything and gives subtle hints about what's due.

Getting into a definite routine, also helps. Like I will take off Saturday and have
fun. To many seven day weeks will kill your creative spirit.

Talk to ya later,

Jim Zimmermn ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~Alpine Custom Jewellers & Repair
Hand Engraving Canada
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