Originally Posted by truk
its good to see all this advice, i might chime in with, dont let that backlog get you depressed. after all, it is job security. then again it is a relief to be caught up with nothing to do but make yourself an expresso with ice cream. my average backlog can be anywhere from 2 weeks to 45 days, with some back-burner jobs pushing several months.
At the moment, I getting completely caught up. I sure it won't last, but I'm
changing gears and going into model making and learning new programs
on the computer. Corel graphic Suite X4 upgrade just came out.
I'm continuing to work on the Catalogue and doing ring to make ring to
put in the jewellers cases on consignment.
I will have to put these fun thing aside late in September. For the summer
I will be doing new designs and really giving the New Plamcontrol a dynamic
work out. We'll see what's she's really got. I think is going to one my favorite
Talk to ya later,