12-18-2008, 03:14 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Kearney, Nebraska
Posts: 213
Re: Polls are open!
Polls for the tutorial contest are now closed! The winners are as follows:
With 24 votes, Paul is the winner of the Most Improved Contestantcategory! These are his First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Entries. (Entries 1-3 in the previous contest, 4-5 in the current.)
With 16 votes, AirAmpis the winner of the Most Informative Tutorial category! You can see his winning submission here.
With 20 votes, Brian is the winner of the Most Outstanding Project category! His tutorial is here.
Paul, AirAmp, and Brian will each recieve $700 towards a new Classic AirGraver, Classic PalmControl, or Palmcontrol upgrade! Congrats, guys!
A big thanks also to everyone who submitted a tutorial, commented in the discussion threads, took part in the polls, or in any other way helped to make the contest successful-- I hope you all have had as much as fun as I have. The locked submission threads will remain here, hopefully acting as an archive of information for the forum community.