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Old 02-06-2009, 01:20 AM
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Steve Lindsay Steve Lindsay is offline
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Location: Kearney, NE
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Default Engraving Videos ~ 11 hours worth

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I hope this will work. Here are all of videos in sequence order that I had made of the SR Johnson pearl handle fighter. Approx 11 hours of videos. I found two more tapes that may have more on them. I'm pretty sure I had recordered some of the gold inlay process but they aren't in any of these. I hope it is on one of the extra found tapes. My video8 player died though and I'll need to find another to see what is on the other tapes.

Here is a completed picture of the project.

Initial outline cutting


Recutting and removing background

Shading with some gold shading

Shading Pins

Shading Gold

Completing and signing

Steve Lindsay
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