Still around.
Hi folks,
Just to let you know I am still around, it has been crazy down here.
Too much to mention here, bit I still manage to check in and look around before I have to get back to the things I need to do around here.
We are still getting the house put back together from the flooding last year.
It has been a light hurricane season, Thank God!!!, and we have finally had a contractor replacing wet walls.
If anyone ever has to deal with flood damage, please watch out for that damn mold stuff, especially with family members.
Kat has been in the hospital twice in the last 2 months just from mold that was discovered in walls. It becomes airborn when it is disturbed and that is NOT a good thing.
Anyway, I will be checking in from time to time.
PS Ron - Real nice Engraving Bench you are building, I hope to get back to work on mine soon.
Take care...