Gale...I have a previous post with pictures which you can find when you click my name and go to my previous posts, but here is what I posted without the pictures..which I think is what you are looking for very portable. Steve set me up to run the Palm Control plus the Classic, and the Artisian....I only use this set up for shows...CO2 Cartridge Holder
This 20 oz. CO2 cartridge holder is something I use when I do a demonstration at a show. I thought it would be helpful for someone who uses CO2 and wants to keep it stable. PVC pipe inside diameter is 4"..length 9 1/4"..dowels 6/16 diameter x 9 1/4" long...I glued them on the inside with Crazy glue. . As you can see this unit is very portable thanks to Steve I can demonstrate with the Palm Control, Classic and the Artisan. I hope this would be of help
JJ Roberts