Thread: Flat Templates
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Old 01-21-2010, 06:45 AM
Ray Cover Ray Cover is offline
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Default Re: Flat Templates


The big difference between my two templates and Steve's Knife/Flat template is that mine are designed to make a flat with vertical sides that are 90 degrees to the belly where as Steve's taper from the back tot he belly like a knife graver does.

I personally prefer the 90 degree sides.

On the bright cut graver (45 face 15 heel) the 90 degree corner is easier to control than a wider angle when cutting script, flare cutting, or cutting brightcut groups

On the background graver (55 face 30 heel) that 90 degree allows me to get a nice vertical wall on my leaves and scroll parts and keep the background next to the parts flat. The high heel angle gives a lot of clearance to move around and work in small background areas.

With the taper template you can get a nice long taper on the sides to grind the face to the width you want and keep those 90 degree sides.

Ray Cover
School of Fine Art Engraving
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