My name is Jim Brandvik. I have been lurking here since late November after discovering this forum in late November.
For a few years now I have been enamored with the idea of trying my hand at engraving. I am interested in doing western style engraving. But until last month I had still never held a graver in my hand. Then I had the great fortune of making contact with Steve Ellsworth .
Steve was kind enough to answer my many emails and agreed to let me come to Denver to spend a week with him to learn as much as I could in that short span.
It was a great experience and when I got back home, I called Steve Lindsay and ordered my palm control. (The check’s in the mail, Steve. I had to sell my cow and the milk!)
Anyway, while I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my air graver, I thought it was time to finally introduce myself to everyone and to say “Thanks!” to Steve Lindsay for maintaining this forum which has been my daily retreat from my bread and butter job. I have read every single thread at least once.
Also I would like to say “Thanks!” to all the regular contributors here, which I feel as if I know already. Your willingness to share your knowledge and experience is invaluable and much appreciated.
Finally, thanks to Steve Ellsworth for opening your home and your brain to me and for setting me on the right path. You cleared up the mysteries of sharpening and transfers and you showed me many time saving tricks which would have taken years for me to discover on my own.
I feel truly fortunate to be getting into engraving now when resources like this forum are just now becoming available for someone like me who would otherwise be completely uninformed.
I look forward to contributing in whatever small way I may be able to in the future.
Here are the first two practice plates I did with Steve Ellsworth. Thanks for helping me hide the worst of my many mistakes, Steve.

This is my first post so forgive me if the photo links don't come through.