Originally Posted by charles starks
Has the wealthy ever declined ? Ya I think so . Most certainly a % of that group held on but even then their level of wealth waned in comparison. Most certainly those in the Mega wealth range were lest effected the those of less wealth but still I think they all felt pressures of changing times
IMHO, Yes & NO.
Yes, if you qualify the statement by isolating it to a specific time, location &/or culture.(the "mega" wealthy or for that matter very wealthy, may have lost their wealth or had it decline due to War,politics, natural disasters etc. )
But NO in view of the overall picture. The wealth was still out there & was in the hands a an elite few. It just "changed hands

(went from the Aristocrats, royality,etc., to the "merchants"
Example may be in todays modern society. In the western society, the Royalty etc lost it's great wealth ( the last being the Tzars) but at the same time we have the rise of the wealthy "merchant ( the DeBeers, Gettys, Fords & today the Waltons, Gates,Allens etc.) & therefore the type of ways the wealth was "displayed" changed ??? ( example both Gates & Allen, when seen in public are low keyed. But they do own Mansions. Also Allen has demonstrated his wealth by building a "Rock & Roll" Center. )
BTW I live in the Seattle area. This area (King Co. WA ) is rated as the 10th wealthiest county in the USA. (6,800 milionaires &
NO I am not one) In fact 2 of the wealthiest 5 individuals in the world live here ( Plus 1 of the wealthiest 20 )
Just a thought