Originally Posted by Roger Bleile
To paraphrase a quote from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance "When the legend becomes fact engrave the legend."
Most customers prefer romanticized versions of historic things and if that is your customer you give it to them if you want to stay in business. On the other hand, if your customers are mainly "stitch Counter" reinactors you go authentic. In my experience the latter group is a relatively low dollar clientele. The other problem with reproducing crudely engraved arms is that I can't bring myself to engrave that way. Most experienced engravers today have struggled to cut scrollwork with smooth, concentric spirals not ones with elbows and flat spots. They cut leaves that look like styalized leaves, not a bunch of lumps. Once an engraver reaches this level he/she can't easily go back. Also the engraver has his/her reputation to consider. If a skilled engraver were to reproduce the naive work shown on many of these examples it would not in any way enhance his/her reputation. Quite the contrary! On the other hand, take a beginner engraver who's work is at the level of this historic work. The beginner would not have the skill to styalistically reproduce correctly. So there's the rub.
Roger,I hope that you & the other ENGRAVERS did not take offense to my statements about the Engraver's choses.

In fact I agree with you. It is the client that we must satisfy. But the point that I was attempting to make was that one has the chose of offering a client a "historically "accurate" reproduction or a romanticized one. But I do feel that the client should be made aware of the difference. It is then up to them.
NOTE on Re-en actors. Or "stitch counters". You might be surprised @ the Clientèle ( do not forget that HISTORICAL "re-enacting covers a lot of genes & the $$$$ spent. Yes the majority, like our general society, are $$$ conscience, but there are many who are not. An example was a resent "Regency Ball" The cost of the "costume" of the couple, I went with, easely exceded $6,000.00 ( I have no idea of the value of the "museum" reproduction" jewelry she wore.) And they represented about the upper middle of those there.
Oh yes, the Scottish outfits ( Kilts = $800.00 + semi- custom Swords = 1,000) Dirks = $800.00 ( custom = 3-4 Xs)
Black powder/Muzzle loading. A top end "prduction" rifle = $1,200 - $3,000 A finely built, well carved ( with engraving) "Kentucky" can run $5,000 or more.
In closing, I would like to say
YES !!! to your STATEMENT about CRAFTSMANSHIP. Whether an engraver, gun builder, leather worker etc. There are those who have spent countless hours refining their ART, & are constantly working to improve. These are the individuals that IMHO, any of us who are "growing, look to and yes, hope someday to acheive the leval of expertise. ( at best, @ least in my case, hope to some day own a creation done by them)
My friend, HOLD to your Standards.