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Old 09-08-2008, 06:55 AM
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Default New Movies

First off their not making enough western's and samurai and ninja movies, and when they do they try to modernizes them or try to hip hop it to the box office for big money. When I was taking care of my dad before he passed, we would watch the Turner Classic Movie channel and John Wayne movies. In doing so I noticed that a lot of new movies that have been released in the past few years have been remade and p.c.'d to death because they can not come up with something new and original. I was roped into going to the movies back in June or July and watch the movie "Momma Mia'", it turned out to be one of the better movies I have seen at the movies since the Bourne Supremacy movies. And if I got nothing else out of it, it made my mother happy watching it. So what new movie have you seen that was worth going to see it on the big screen?
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