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Oh boy its gonna be one of those days.
I could use your prayers today guys. Holly woke me up this morning to tell me I had standing water on the studio floor. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ![]() Apparently all this rain on an already saturated ground has found a way to seep into the basement along the north wall. When things dry out I am going to have to see what I can do about better drainage on that side of the house. Anyway the girls and I have it pretty much dried up and I have made a irrigation system with rolled up towels to guide the water from where it is seeping to the floor drain so it doesn't flood the whole floor. I could use your prayers that I can keep this under control and be able to work today rather than fight water all day. It has given me a real attitude problem this morning to boot. Thanks guys, Ray |
Water seems to give me a bad attitude also. I have had to fight it a few times in my store. I seen on the news that there was some flooding going on your way. They said cape Giradeau had 10 inches. I am not to far from you about three hours east. Hang in there and hope things dry up. I am trying like heck to round up the funds to take a class. Hope to see you soon. Douglas
Ray - What's the problem?
Just make some paper boats and you and the kids can have fun with them INSIDE instead of outside in the rain. Since you made a channel - you can have races - the winner gets to watch the others clean up the area. Problem solved! Yea, wish they were all that easy. Water is such an insiduous thing. Never have a problem until you have a PROBLEM! Hope things aren't too bad for you - more of an inconvenience than a real problem. You could just take away all the dirt on that side of the house, Plastic coat the wall, put in stone for drainage and be back to work. Shouldn't cost more than 10 grand. Just kidding - should only cost a couple grand for drainage pipe and rock - higher up. Its a real problem - but one that is solved everyday by people who do it. Let us know what the experts say is the best way to solve the problem. Just don't get too bumed about it. After all LIFE HAPPENS!, its our response that makes all the difference. |
Sorry to hear about that Ray.
If it was me depending on the flow of water . I would buy a small boat sump pump from wallmart down the road in the boating section. Then on your floor if you have a clear area make a small dam with sand bags ( mabe 1 foot tall and 1 foot round where the water is coming in) put the pump in there and have it pump the water outside . till a more permanent thing can be done. Other than that our prayers are with you. If some one gives you lemons make lemonaid. |
Fortunately the rain has stopped and it is down to a slow seep.
The towels are soaking it up and every hour or so I am wringing the towles out into a bucket that seems to have it under control. Danny, You pretty much described what I am going to be doing next week. I've always hated those bushes anyway. Ray |
Hi Ray,
Bad for you, we will light a candelstic for you. Noud Peters |
I also have some issues with water in my basement. You may already know this, but Shop Vacs work exceptionally well in sucking up water. Instead of the fabric filter for particular matter, you just use a foam one instead. On cement, after using the Shop Vac it is nearly dry. Sorry to hear of the problem and good luck resolving it. Peter |
Glad to hear it's under control!
The real question isn't the current situation, or even the annoyance and hassle of fixing it, it's "what damage, if any, did it do to your studio?" Thinking about my little corner of the garage I believe I'd be ok as long as it was less than 4" - built my bench out of 2x4's so everything's at least that far off the floor. Well, except for my little compressor, but I don't think anything on it's vulnerable until at least a foot off of the ground. 1" would still cause me major headaches, of course, since everything else isn't raised up. Heck, depending on how much / how long I'd have to worry about my wooden bench. Ah well, at least it was only standing water in the basement. |
Did you heave the floor slab? Roger |
Ray when you get time, watch this and your troubles will vanish.
"If one needs a tool, and does not acquire it, they end up paying for it, but not having it." - Henry Ford |
My prairs are with you Ray!
Hope you get things on dry land soon! Daniel |
Sorry to hear about your "flood". I have had that same problem myself and I know what you are going through! Definately NO FUN! Sounds like you will need to put some drain-tile in to prevent this from happening again. Hopefully nothing was ruined. Keep your chin up, we're all thinking of you! Dan Grubaugh |
Nothing worse than water where it doesn't belong. Prayer sent Ray.
Remember, it could well be that your only purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others. ![]() |
THanks folks
The rain stopped about noon and the walls seem to have stopped seeping. I have thrown the towels in the washing machine and I have the floor dried out now. About the only thing that really got ruined were some catalogs and some packing boxes. We managed to get everything else dried off before it rusted or soaked up water.:whoo: It isn't supposed to rain for a couple days. That is a relief. I definitely am going to have to work on the drainage on the front of the house. I have always hated the bushes in the front. Maybe this will be a good excuse to rip them out and replace them with acanthus plants. ![]() Ray |
I was just watching the news and wondering if you were affected by the weather.. and then I just happend to see this in the watercooler, a place I have never been before.
my thoughts are with you Scott |
Things are starting to get pretty nasty all around us here. If it starts getting bad here in town again I may end up taking a couple days off to help sandbag.
Holly and I lived through the middle of one flood like this back in 1993. That was a sight, Holly five months pregnant, the cat, the dog, and me in a small sailboat tied to the roof of the house. That one was late November and it was cold. We did everything we could to avoid hypothermia but it was tough. Fortunately, the water patrol spotted us just before dark and pulled us out of there. My heart goes out to anyone facing that. If it gets bad here again I'll be out filling and stacking sand bags to help. Ray |
I was living in Jefferson City in 1995 and I saw pictures of the flood of 93' What a tragic mess. I also knew many of the folks who spent tireing hours sandbagging, I know of what you speak. I really hope it doesnt get that bad for you again. All of us in the Engravers World will be thinking of you. Prayers go out to you. |
The flood back in 93 was really something. I will never forget that as long as I live. That was a flood of history. This is tiny compared to that.
That flood was caused by several things. One was that our ground around here was already at its saturation point like it is now. The rain could not soak into the ground. Another factor was that the Missouri and the Mississippi rivers both being above flood stage upstream and both are huge rivers to begin with. They were above flood stage before they ever reached the St Louis area. Then we had other large rivers in the area that were already at flood stage like Big River and the Meramac River. All of these rivers converge in this area. With that as the set up we had a lot of rain and then more rain and then more rain. This flood, while bad for those in it is not near as widespread. This flood in our area is primarily effecting Big River and the Meramac River. Both of which are in my back yard but not affecting Festus directly at this point. It looks like the Mississippi is able to handle the overflow so far. Hopefully, the Mississippi will handle it and won't cause big problems for towns and cities downstream of here. we have had about a day and a half of sunshine. That has given me a chance to get my water problems under control for now. The weather gurus are saying that the oncoming rain is likely to go north of us. If it does we will be in good shape. Thanks for the prayers guys, Ray |
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I hope the weather lets up for you folks. The news around here the other day was referring to the flood there in '93 saying it hasn't been that bad since that time. We sure are going through a lot of weather disasters lately. About 15 people have died in the flooding! Hope for the best, Peter |
I hope everything is under control and you are not swimming. I had friends whose family lived in Valmeyer for several generations, the flood of '93 removed the town from the map. Take care, gailm |
Wow, holy cow... that's nothing anyone needs. Take care that you have a fan going to get the moisture out. That is really important. Otherwise you might catch mold. And that is bad as you will not see that for a long time.
What I highly recommend, and I build one in myself, is a sump pump. Break a hole into your basement floor, about 2ftx2ftx2ft. The best location would be at the lowest point of the basement and close to an outside wall. Then take TWO sump pumps and mount then in slightly different levels into that concrete walled hole you made, cover with a crate and you are set. Oh... of course you need a pip to the outside. My pumps can cope with a broken water main in the basement without creating any water level whatsoever. Unfortunately that was proven... but not a biggie thank to the pumps. If one fails, the other one will still be pumping. The pumps should not be connected to a gfci and in our towns code it is the only exception in the basement. Hope you dry out soon, good luck, and great hollidays! Rainer |
Hi Ray, I get that to during the summer monsoons 3" or more. Landscaping helped a lot. Maybe cut the frequency in half. I priced the sump pumps and the automatic start up ones with a float are about $75 compared to about $35 for a manual switch. I think the automatic ones would be a better investment to avoid any morning hassles and work interruption. And then they have buckets with grate cover which are submersed into the concrete floor. It's on the shopping list at my money pit house. I think I might have once read though that you lived off the power grid. Jim
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