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Old 11-06-2009, 01:56 PM
Gail Gail is offline
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Default CO2 regulator

Not being the brightest penny in the jar, I need to ask if there is a way to mount the CO2 regulator in the same way as the filters and gauges for the air system? I like to take my PC to the house and have a 20lb CO2 tank there. Of course there is no problem when using the small bottles, but I would like to be able to run the line from the 20lb tank gauge to the smaller regulator and have it mounted on a bracket like the filters and gauges for the air set-up so it is more stable. Everything is connected, just can't figure a way to make a more rigid mounting other than cable ties
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Old 11-06-2009, 03:25 PM
airamp airamp is offline
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Default Re: CO2 regulator


Not really sure what you are asking but...

If you have a 20lb co2 tank for inside get a welding regulator for it and have the bottle connection on the regulator, changed for the Co2 tank. welding shop can do that. (has to be a oxygen regulator for gas welding or a breathing O2 regulator will work but have to change the stem/tank connecting tube on the regulator.).

Maybe even your regulator can be adapted by a welding shop that sells and refills tanks.?? They have all types of adaptors.

As far as the air line steve has the little plastic quick connects (like came with the airgraver) just put one in the line from the tank and you should be able to move the airgraver to ether location without messing with regulators.

the welding regulator is screwed on to the tank by the stem so you don't have to mount it anywhere..

Hope this helps.

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Old 11-06-2009, 06:04 PM
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JJ Roberts JJ Roberts is offline
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Default Re: CO2 regulator

Gale...I have a previous post with pictures which you can find when you click my name and go to my previous posts, but here is what I posted without the pictures..which I think is what you are looking for very portable. Steve set me up to run the Palm Control plus the Classic, and the Artisian....I only use this set up for shows...CO2 Cartridge Holder


This 20 oz. CO2 cartridge holder is something I use when I do a demonstration at a show. I thought it would be helpful for someone who uses CO2 and wants to keep it stable. PVC pipe inside diameter is 4"..length 9 1/4"..dowels 6/16 diameter x 9 1/4" long...I glued them on the inside with Crazy glue. . As you can see this unit is very portable thanks to Steve I can demonstrate with the Palm Control, Classic and the Artisan. I hope this would be of help

JJ Roberts
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Old 11-07-2009, 07:08 AM
Gail Gail is offline
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Default Re: CO2 regulator

Thanks guys, I have solved the problem now.
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Old 11-07-2009, 03:29 PM
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powderhorn powderhorn is offline
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Default Re: CO2 regulator

Each situation is different for how you want to mount your gauges. I'm enclosing 2 different pic's showing how I do the different bottles. One is for the 20oz portable, that clamps to the bench for shows, The other is for a 40# tank, that I also take to some shows. The gage is mounted on the big tank, by turning the mounting bracket, so that it points down. I have also mounted a friend of mines Foot Control regulators to the big tank the same way. Hope that this helps.
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