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Old 08-04-2007, 04:40 PM
Rich Hambrook's Avatar
Rich Hambrook Rich Hambrook is offline
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Cool How can it not?!! (PalmControl)

Ladies and Gentlemen,
There has been discussion on other forums about how different engraving equipment can't make you a better engraver. Well, I am here to ask you....how can it not? If a sprinter is using a worn out shoe or one that is of "lesser technology" and then switches to a more advanced newer style shoe, don't you think that he or she will take some time off the clock. Why does Tiger Woods use a new glove when he tee's off on every hole? Why do automobile manufactures design new engines. I realize these might be corny scenarios but my point being that there is such a thing as new technology and innovation. I can verify as an experienced engraver that my new Palm Control has in fact made me a better engraver. I still have the same experience behind me but now I have a more advanced tool that is at very least an absolute blast to use.

At Browning I have taught people to engrave that wanted to learn the art and absolutely fell in love with the Lindsay. Also, I have let non-engravers play with it and guess what, they starting cutting with no problem. Where as before with other equipment they dug in and said, "I don't know how you can do that!" My son is 13 years old, has never engraved and started using the Palm Control and you would not believe what kind of work he can do. I will post some pictures later in the month.

I have been working on a new project and my wife came by to see how I was doing. She asked if I was using a different kind of "bit". I had to laugh and tell her that the new Palm Control tool truly made that much of a difference. The control is unbelievable and the quick and ultra smooth response is magical. As I stated in an earlier thread, I now have the ability to increase/decrease stroke length by a sinlge turn of the dial on one handpiece. Also, the harder you push the faster the Lindsay Palm control goes. No more handpiece selection dials, switching handpieces and stoke per minute dials. I really am doing better quality work faster. So yes, the new tool is making me a better engraver and more money!

I realize that I sound like a salesman, but believe me; I have zero business or financial ties to Lindsay. I just believe I need to let other engravers especially new engravers, know that you will be fascinated if you give it a try.
The Palm Control is awesome!

P.S. Thank you Mr. Cover for introducing the Lindsay Palm control to me!
Best Regards,
Rich Hambrook

Last edited by Rich Hambrook; 08-04-2007 at 06:10 PM.
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Old 08-04-2007, 05:49 PM
Ray Cover Ray Cover is offline
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Default Re: How can it not?!!

Your welcome Rich:D

Ray Cover
School of Fine Art Engraving

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Old 08-05-2007, 01:06 PM
Jim Small's Avatar
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Default Re: How can it not?!!

After seeing Rich's thread on the Lindsay Palm Control I had to comment. Rich is right on. There have been numerous comments about the Lindsay tools not being the component that makes you a better engraver. My dentist just purchased and expensive new hand piece....his comment to me was his new purchase has made him a better professional. My dentist has been in practice for 22 years. I think these are equal comparisons.
I have been engraving for over 20 years and the use of my Lindsay tools has made me a better engraver.....like night and day. I have tried every engraving tool out there and by far my Lindsay hand pieces have improved my capacity to do fine shading and minute almost invisible accent cuts. I sometimes are chastised by my engraving friends about the number of shading cuts I make....that's just the way I do it. Most of the cuts might not be necessary but with the Lindsay Hand piece....it's fun to do. When asked..." What is the most difficult engraving cut to do"...I tell folks it is the straight line. From the very beginning border cuts were made easier because of the total control of the tool and it minute adjustments. I engrave every day....10 to 12 hours a day and both my Lindsay tools have never let me down. I am so dependent on these tools I am reluctant to send them back to Steve for the upgrade. He reminds me in just about every conversation...maybe one of these days soon....Steve!
Rich...thanks for bringing this subject up again.
I have said it before and I will say it again....." The Lindsay hand pieces have made a better engraver out of me". Thanks Steve........
I have enclosed a photo to give you and idea as to the accuracy I require....lots of close lines.
Jim Small

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Old 08-05-2007, 03:24 PM
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Default Re: How can it not?!!

The Lindsay palm control is by far the simplest, easiest to use engraving device ever made, and you can quote me on that.
I must also say that the new Artisan works really well, I have been using it the last week or so, and although it does require a pedal, it can cut everything from fine shading to plunge cuts and bright cuts with flawless ease. I have the optional carbide piston for the heavy stuff, and even at its very reasonable price it is a world class engraving tool.
Barry Lee Hands, Bigfork MT
Barry Lee Hands
"Critics gather, they discuss aesthetics, Artists gather, they discuss turpentine. . ."- Pablo Picasso
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Old 08-05-2007, 05:13 PM
Brian Hochstrat Brian Hochstrat is offline
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Default Re: How can it not?!!

That seems to be one thing that gets overlooked, is that Steve offers more than just the Palm control, if it fits your way of cutting to stop the tool and than snap out the chip, the pedal styles will do just that too. Also how many people actually do a "plunge cut" with flexible gravers these days? I don't do english scroll so I have no idea what the requirement would be for such a move, but back to the fact it can be executed with an airgraver, if you use a pedal, which if you can feel your feet you should have no problem with a pedal. And to the arguement you can react quicker with your hand than your foot, that is because you have never trained yourself to do so, a kickboxer can hit you with a foot as fast as he can his hand. A person is capable of anything if they actually try. Brian
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Old 08-05-2007, 07:45 PM
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Rich Hambrook Rich Hambrook is offline
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Default Re: How can it not?!!

Hey guys,
Thanks for the response. You all hit it on the money. I do english scoll as well as many other types of design. I have no problem with english scroll. If you are having trouble with it try just a simple 90 degree cutter and lay it on its side as you make the cut. This way you don't need to "Plunge". I have zero problems "plunging" though. I completely agree with the gentleman that said "The lindsay tool makes it fun". You are absolutely correct. Barry, I must admit that the picture you are using of yourself is far better than in actual life. I sat next to you all week in the GrandMasters and you are not that good lookin. This is false advertising! You should be banned!

Best Regards, (to you too Barry)
Rich Hambrook
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Old 08-05-2007, 07:56 PM
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Default Re: How can it not?!!

Excellent post gentlemen
I agree 1000 percent. The learning curve is much shorter and the airgraver especally the PC make the job much easier and as Jim Small said fun to boot, Jim send one in to Steve for the upgrade his turaround is fast.
Our friends in the old world are slow to make change and that is OK as far as I am concerned, I like the apprenticeship programs some Country's still embrace.
However they will have to upgrade to the air driven tools sooner or later, as well as keep the old ways alive. Just the way the world works, time is money
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Old 08-31-2007, 01:42 PM
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Default Re: How can it not?!! (equipment)

Thanks for your comments on the PC, I have to agree with all our comments.
Ray Cover's setup at Scotts for a show and tell was a great hit, my Grandson is 13 and Ray said he could try the PC and he has never seen any engraving equiptment except my GRS. He sat down at Rays bench picked up the PC and I was impressed at how he could just start making lines and curves without digging into the plate as a person that never tried engraving.
Next I will try to set the wife at the bench, and that will be the best test...
Thanks again for your efforts...
JL Seymour
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Old 09-01-2007, 06:42 PM
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Default Re: How can it not?!! (equipment)

My son is three years old and he can use the Palmcontrol to dig into the plate while he can do nothing with the GRS, his foot cannot reach the foot pedal!
When he hold the PC, I can see his eyes are bright, his happy, surprise, exciting smiling face are just the same as mind when I cut with the PC for the first time.

My wife....I can't let her know my toys...shhhhhhh

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Old 09-14-2007, 02:06 PM
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Rich Hambrook Rich Hambrook is offline
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Default Re: How can it not?!! (equipment)

I don't have a whole lot of time to spend on the computer but I am so overwhelmed with the similar responses that I have recieved in numerous post regarding the same subject. I thought I was, as stated in another forum, just in a romance period. But here I am after using Steve's Palm control for hundreds of hours and I still haven't changed my opinion. I still can't believe how awesome and fun this PC is!:willy_nilly: This thing is unbelievable!

Thanks for making such a great product Steve,
Rich Hambrook
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