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Old 12-17-2007, 06:35 AM
boston boston is offline
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Default contest ends today 12/17

thanks for all your votes

Last edited by boston; 12-19-2007 at 06:55 PM.
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Old 12-17-2007, 09:18 AM
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Zernike Au Zernike Au is offline
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Default Re: contest ends today 12/17

What is that? Look like those spam appear in my email account which not only for advertising but also for collecting your email address for the spammer to send tons of email... I have to change my email address several times because of those spammer.

Further, such voting means nothing, you can sit there and keep voting on it by giving them different email address and you are sure win. A small hacking programme can help as they can submit the vote by generating random email address many times a second. I have enjoy such hacking several times.
If none of the participant can have such hacking programme, I can imagine they and all their friends, all sit in front of the computer, typing and typing and who can type fast and more, who can win..dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak dak
I am so interesting to see who is the winner of the fastest american typist.

What is it for, fame or money or just for fun? very funny!:smilie5: :smilie5: :smilie5:

To be serious, if someone who really need helps to maintain the excellent forum, they can raise fund, I will be the first one to donate..hm..US$50.
There are more than 1000 members there, I think all they willing to pay a small amount to keep the forum alive.
Oh, it seems I been drunk, I have been talking too much.......


Last edited by Zernike Au; 12-17-2007 at 09:25 AM.
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Old 01-20-2008, 09:11 PM
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Zernike Au Zernike Au is offline
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Hong Kong
Posts: 320
Default Re: contest ends today 12/17

Congratulations! Miss Jennifer Reddick, you are the winner!

Your photo are of unstable composition and with a little bit under-exposure. Also the abstract contour line of the composition is rather odd to me(sorry too much photography language and comments...), this make your photo very special. I know you will win! I've vote on you for many times:smilie5:


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