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Old 01-07-2009, 03:58 PM
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Default Golden Grouse

I received this message the other day..."Hello Crazy Horse it appears that you have not posted on our forums in several weeks, why not take a few moments to ask a question, help provide a solution or just engage in a conversation with another member in any one of our forums?"

The reason I don't post alot is that I'm not in the same league as most of the rest of youse guys. (Notice the Philadelphia slang???) I'm a "Pusher" for the most part.
Anyway, since Steve misses me so much ;~) :smilie5: I'll post this photo of my latest work, a money clip. Needs help I know. If only I could draw....

TOLERANCE is the virtue of a man without convictions.
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Old 01-07-2009, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: Golden Grouse

Hi Crazy Horse,

I think most of us are in the same league and only Steve and a handfull of others exeed that league by far.
If none of the new guy's (whether brandnew to engraving or pretty much along the way) would post some of their new engravings (blunders or luckey shot's or just good one's) this forum would be pretty silent and only filled with Aahh's and Wauw's as reply on the big gunns work.

For me, I like your Grousse very much, and as leagues go, your way out of mine! (meaning if I were to do a grousse It would probably look like a mutated rabbit)
So Thanks for posting and hope to see some more of your "pusher's" work.
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Old 01-07-2009, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Golden Grouse

Folks, the software for the forum was changed as does happen from time to time. The message you got happens automatically when you haven't posted in a while, I don't know the exact number of days. This feature was added to help encourage the members to participate often.

As for being in a league. We're all it the same league; we all love hand engraving. Really, don't be intimidated by anyone elses skill level, we're all here to share, learn, give of ourselves and promote the fine art of hand engraving whether you use hammer & chisel, push gravers or air assist.

We all like to leave any ego at the door before we come in here, just hang it on a little hook and enjoy the company and fellowship here and help any way we can. That's what makes this place or any other work for its members.

Thanks for coming for a visit, now kick yer shoes off, sit a spell and type...
"If one needs a tool, and does not acquire it, they end up paying for it, but not having it." - Henry Ford
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Old 01-07-2009, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: Golden Grouse

Hi Crazy Horse. Thanks for posting!
You've sculptured the scroll and grouse. Looks very good to me! I like the sculptured/carved part of the scroll.

Have you tried adding this picture of your photo album? Click on "UserCP" to get into your album.

Thanks again, Steve
Steve Lindsay
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Old 01-08-2009, 01:37 AM
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Default Re: Golden Grouse

Hi Crazy Horse

I understand what you mean and stated pretty much the same thing in this post in the "Gallery Show and Tell" section:
My Latest Post

Your money clip shows that you are much more advanced than I, as I can barely cut scrolls let alone sculpt them. So don't feel like the Lone Ranger

I, for one would love to see more of your work.
Curt Myers

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Old 01-08-2009, 09:12 AM
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Default Re: Golden Grouse

I enjoy seeing the posts of people starting out or on there way just as much as the wow work, it gives me the opportunity to see the progress and passion of fellow engravers. It's not that important where you are now but where you want to be and it's gratifying for some one like me to help them make this jounney.
Carl Bleile
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Old 01-08-2009, 11:01 AM
Big-Un Big-Un is offline
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Default Re: Golden Grouse

Oh Crazy Horse, if you could just see some of my earlier works!!!! We all know, the more you cut, the better you will be. Keep the work coming. I like to see it and your progress.

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Old 01-10-2009, 09:06 AM
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Crazy Horse Crazy Horse is offline
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Default Re: Golden Grouse

I took your advice Steve and loaded up some photo albums in the User CP. I'm hoping some of the rest of the people who post will also create some photo albums for this forum.

John T.
TOLERANCE is the virtue of a man without convictions.
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Old 01-10-2009, 09:42 AM
greyback greyback is offline
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Default Re: Golden Grouse

I'll bite the bullet. I have little engraving experience but I have done quite a bit of scrimshaw. I used to sell on eBay but now I can't due to the total ban of all ivory sales that started on the first of the year. Here is a picture of one of my knives. I would replace the original scales with ivory and scrim them. Once I get a reasonably good bit of engraving finished I'll post it.
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Old 01-10-2009, 11:39 AM
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Default Re: Golden Grouse

Originally Posted by carl bleile View Post
I enjoy seeing the posts of people starting out or on there way just as much as the wow work, it gives me the opportunity to see the progress and passion of fellow engravers. It's not that important where you are now but where you want to be and it's gratifying for some one like me to help them make this jounney.
Carl Bleile
AMEN Carl!!!
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