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Old 06-20-2008, 07:37 PM
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mckeenh mckeenh is offline
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Wink How to stipple with PC

I have a question about the Palm control on how to stipple with it. As I don't hold my tool the same when stippling as when I engrave how do you activalte it when you stipple? I hold my tool more like a pen when stippling so the foot control seems to me to be a must.

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Old 06-21-2008, 12:27 AM
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rbaptiste rbaptiste is offline
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Default Re: How to stipple with PC

There are several methods for stippling with the PalmControl :
1: Hold the tool like a jewelers screwdriver and press on the handle with your index finger while holding the point loose on the work.
2: Turn the idle up so that the tool is running all the time.
3: Disconnect the air line off the back of the PalmControl handle and attach it direct to the body. Now adjust the regulator so that the tool is running continually.
4: Disconnect the air line off the back of the PalmControl handle and attach it to the body of the tool. Now connect the other end of the line to the foot pedal controller. In other words, we can operate the PalmControl with the foot pedal too.
If there is a lot of stippling to do I prefer method #3 for the palmcontrol and for the foot pedal Classic. If there is just a little stippling to do I'll use method #1.
It's the explain by Steve himself
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Old 06-21-2008, 08:30 AM
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mckeenh mckeenh is offline
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Wink Re: How to stipple with PC

So I assume then that you have no problems getting into the tight areas with the tool running all the time? Since I have a foot control I think that is what I do now as sometimes in the tight spots the tool is off until I get into them and then gently apply power. I guess I wasn't aware that the palm control was able to be controlled by a foot pedal.

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