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Re: Nickel Engraving
Thanks Gail for that link to the clouddome site! Looks like good stuff. I bookmarked it and will order that cloud dome they show with the extension collar.
Steve |
Re: Nickel Engraving
Here are some very handy photo related gadgets and tricks for shooting the kind of stuff we do.
very cool toy LOTSAGOODSTUFF on how to DIY lighting rigs This is a cool little freeware program which allows you to stack images to achieve great depth of field in macro work - it works a lot like layers in photoshop but takes the confusion out. Good for those folks who have cameras which do not allow for Fstop settings and are plagued by limited range of focus. they also have some other nifty stuff. This is about the best I have seen relative to coin photography Some really slick lighting techniques - would apply to any metal work, take a good look at the axial lighting setup there are also setups for jewelry flatware artwork - this link was on the Hobonickel Society Site.
CoinCutter |
Re: Nickel Engraving
Thanks Steve for the axial lighting link. This is perfect. I wonder if thicker glass would change anything. Also two light sources and two plates of glass and bounced light...hmmm will have to experiment. Thanks again!
Kent Carver Tinsley |
Re: Nickel Engraving
i'm startin on my first nickel- please allow a super dumb question-- of the works i see posted showing the great hoboes, what sort of time average is required to produce these beautiful pieces? just lookin for a ballpark average.
Re: Nickel Engraving
i can do a cut hammer punch hobo in about 10 minutes to dress it up and make it beautiful and age it maybe a day to do a Marriane or replicate a dimensionally complex coin couple of days all depends on you and the tools you employ talent speed if you make mistakes etc if you have to stop work to swear at it that adds time if you can work and cuss at the same time its alot faster biggest time factor will be your tooling and confidence level
CoinCutter |
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