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Old 08-14-2007, 05:40 AM
Montejano Montejano is offline
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Default Spyderco. Engraving.

Friends of the forum. I show some photos of an engraving in a Spyderco dragonfly; With gold incrustation of 24 carats.
Thanks to look at the photos.

A greeting


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Old 08-14-2007, 06:13 AM
Don Cowles Don Cowles is offline
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.

Amigo Antonio- These are absolutely beautiful.
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Old 08-14-2007, 06:48 AM
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.

You said it Donnie Lee!....Wonderful, Beautiful work Antonio.
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Old 08-14-2007, 07:30 AM
Montejano Montejano is offline
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.

Friends Don and Jim:

I thank his words.
I embrace a fortress to both.

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Old 08-14-2007, 09:17 AM
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Zernike Au Zernike Au is offline
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.

Thanks for post the photos of the beautiful knifes. I especailly like the AT5-55, both the shape of the knife and the engraving is wonderful, so beautiful.

I notice your ball vise are of very simple design and is quite different from that of the USA. Is it a custom made or it is from engraving tools manufacturer in Spain? What is the knob for, it's for tighten the jaws or tighten the fiction of the rotation of the vise?

Thanks for sharing once again.

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Old 08-14-2007, 08:48 PM
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.


I am wanting to know what type of gravers you use to engrave on the blades with?
Kulley Levaugh

Multiple Sclerosis BITES
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Old 08-15-2007, 02:56 AM
Montejano Montejano is offline
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.

Thanks to friends to participate and for words.

Friendly Zernike:
In the first place I thank his participation.
The ball of engraver that I possess I acquired it in Spain and although it is certain that she is simple and different to the ones belonging to USA, it is sufficient for the works that I accomplish . The screw the fact that you ask me is useful for avoiding the spin of rotation of a part of the ball. I use this screw or ball of engraver too little, because my technique is not the burin and utilize the ball of engraver sometimes.

Friend Ihsfab:

To his question on the type of burin that I use to record the sheet, tell him that I am not engraver to burin. In this work I have used the technique of engraving needle to engraved the hilt and the technique of strong water to engraved the knife's sheet.
I wish to be useful this after for clarifying that I am not engraver to burin.

My father was master engraver to strong water with one technique traditional TOLEDO's heir ( Spain ) of the century XVIII and XIX, than transmitted me to me. I have maintained intact this traditional and craft technique. I prepare my products and preserve the technique, utilizing technique of increase in especial works. I do not utilize the transference of the drawing to metal and I accomplish directly the work on metal, that implies a lot of difficulty; In order to be the strong water a professional engraver it is needed like principal condition being nib a good drawer.
Saying also than strong water like craft applied technique the cutlery, plenty of level level missing person is international and very few countries exist that still they preserve school of engravers to strong water of totally traditional and craft manner. In level professional only Spain I am in this moment, and even TOLEDO does not maintain this traditional technique nowadays ( than in last centuries he had magnificent engravers to the acid ).

In Europe there are engravers to strong water, I have knowledge of than in Russia exists still that tradition of engraving to strong water, the fact that the runaway during the communist period was and than after the disappearance of the communist regimen, it has reappeared and some Russian engravers use her. With certain assiduity I have maintained some contact with Russian craftsmen's representatives.

It is very complex to engraved a metal and to give a shading of quality to the ornament or drawing. I to shade I utilize 0.2 mm's tip of diameter and with increase I manage to reduce that diameter to 0.05 mm, minus right now no is possible because the extreme of the tip breaks down . The acid always attacks in depth but also he corrodes laterally; A so thin tip to accomplish a precise shading is needed for this motive..

I show some photos in order that the manual labor be appreciated of drawn and some works in order that the strong traditional water be appreciated.
I ask for excuse for the extension of my message, but he wished to clarify this so little-known technique professionally.

Gracias a los amigos por participar y por las palabras .

Amigo Zernike :
En primer lugar agradezco su participación .
La bola de grabador que yo poseo la adquirí en España y aunque es cierto que es sencilla y diferente a las de USA , es suficiente para los trabajos que yo realizo . El tornillo que usted me pregunta sirve para evitar el giro de rotación de una parte de la bola . Yo empleo muy poco este tornillo o bola de grabador , porque mi técnica no es el buril y utilizo la bola de grabador en algunas ocasiones .

Amigo Ihsfab :

A su pregunta sobre el tipo de buril que yo empleo para grabar la hoja , le digo que yo no soy grabador a buril . En este trabajo he empleado la técnica de " punta seca " para grabar la empuñadura y la técnica del " agua fuerte " para grabar la hoja del cuchillo .
Deseo aprovechar este post para aclarar que yo no soy grabador a buril .

Mi padre era maestro grabador al " agua fuerte " con una técnica tradicional heredada de TOLEDO ( España ) del siglo XVIII y XIX , que me transmitió a mí . Yo he mantenido intacta esta técnica tradicional y artesanal . Yo preparo mis productos y preservo la técnica , utilizando técnica de aumento en trabajos especiales . No utilizo la transferencia del dibujo al metal y realizo directamente el trabajo sobre el metal , lo que implica mucha dificultad ; para ser un grabador profesional al " agua fuerte " se necesita como condición principal ser un buen dibujante a plumilla .
Decir también que el "agua fuerte " como técnica artesanal aplicada a la cuchillería , está bastante desaparecida a nivel internacional y existen muy pocos países que todavía preserven escuela de grabadores al " agua fuerte " de manera totalmente tradicional y artesanal . En España a nivel profesional solo estoy yo en este momento ,e incluso TOLEDO no mantiene hoy día esta técnica tradicional ( que en siglos pasados tenía magníficos grabadores al ácido ).

En Europa hay grabadores al "agua fuerte " , yo tengo conocimiento de que en Rusia existe todavía esa tradición de grabado al " agua fuerte " , que estuvo perseguida durante el período comunista y que después de la desaparición del régimen comunista , ha resurgido y la emplean algunos grabadores rusos . Con cierta asiduidad he mantenido algún contacto con los representantes de los artesanos rusos .

Es muy complejo grabar un metal y dar un sombreado de calidad al ornamento o dibujo . Yo para sombrear utilizo una punta de 0,2 mm de diámetro y con aumento consigo reducir ese diámetro hasta 0,05 mm , menos ya no es posible porque se rompe el extremo de la punta . El ácido siempre ataca en profundidad pero también corroe lateralmente ; por este motivo se necesita una punta tan delgada para realizar un sombreado de precisión ..

Muestro unas fotos para que se aprecie el trabajo manual de dibujado y algunos trabajos para que se aprecie el " agua fuerte "tradicional .
pido disculpas por la extensión de mi mensaje , pero deseaba aclarar esta técnica tan poco conocida profesionalmente .



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Old 08-15-2007, 04:02 AM
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Zernike Au Zernike Au is offline
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.

HI Antonio,
Thanks so much for sharing the beautiful ancient art from Toledo. You web site are very impressive and your knifes are very beautiful. I've been to Toledo many years ago, this is a very beautiful ancient city, very impressive with a lot of very special design knifes, I bought two. I love this city(town?) so much. I found from your website you also engrave on this kind of beautiful knife:

Just don't know if such knife is still available.

Again, thank you so much for post the wonderful photos and introduce this very special and ancient art of your country to us. :thumbsup:

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Old 08-15-2007, 05:05 AM
Montejano Montejano is offline
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.

Thanks for words.
The bigger piece that you show is a typical Spanish pocketknife and the child also is typical. They are simple pocketknifes, that they sell at the stores of cutlery. They are follow-up pocketknifes and although little bonds do not become of craftsmanship. But these safe pieces than you has them of memory of his visitor to TOLEDO.
Thanks for the shown photo.

A greeting

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Old 08-15-2007, 06:28 AM
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.


Thank you for the explaination of how you make such wonderful pieces. So what you meen by strong water is a base solution instead of a acid solution. It produces some very fine detail, agian thank you for showing us.
Kulley Levaugh

Multiple Sclerosis BITES
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Old 08-16-2007, 01:34 AM
Montejano Montejano is offline
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.

Friend thanks for his participation.:thumbsup:
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Old 08-17-2007, 01:50 AM
Vanknife Vanknife is offline
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.

Antonio thanks for sharing this Admirable pieces of art and for explaining it is much appreciated.


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Old 08-17-2007, 08:33 AM
Montejano Montejano is offline
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Default Re: Spyderco. Engraving.

Thanks to participate and for words.

Best regards.
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