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Old 08-17-2008, 08:25 AM
Tim C Tim C is offline
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Cutler Bay, So. Florida
Posts: 293
Default Fay may come to visit.

To all you folks on the West Coast of Florida, Fay may be coming to visit.

FEMA called yesterday to activate me for this storm, this is part of the Joint Recon Rescue Emergency Plan (JRREP) that was established for storms in Florida.

If a storm will hit the west coast of Florida, then people that are on the east coast will respond to the Emergency, and vice versa.

I am “inactive” because of my disability, as a R&R Supervisor, I have all the plans for all the streets and utilities for all the Cities and Counties along the west coast, at my home.

I gave them my assessment of what will be needed if the storm arrives as a TS, Cat 1 or Cat 2. I also gave them a Catastrophic Event scenario to use if the storm comes in as a Cat 3 or above.

The storm could pass west of the coast and hit the Panhandle as a major storm.

The main concern at this point is that the storm might slow down, that will allow it to sit over the Straits of Florida where the water temp is 87+ degrees. With the feeding currents in those waters, it could intensify faster than expected.

FEMA is sending a Blackhawk to pick up the plans that will be needed and the Emergency Plan that I have prepared.

I have a field next to my home where a helicopter can land, Life Flight helicopters use this field all the time to transport injured people to hospitals.

At least this time I don’t have to get on the copter, just give them the plans.

Don’t be frightened by what I have said here, these are “in case it gets worse” scenarios.

The storm is not expected to get over a Cat 1, expected path and strength is really with the storm skirting the coast as a TS, but Tornados are expected.

Everything has to be covered.

Landfall is expected around Tampa, or just south as of this morning.

Good luck, and stay safe.:tank:

Tim C
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Old 08-17-2008, 08:43 AM
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Default Re: Fay may come to visit.

Thank you Tim C, I appreciate the "heads up". I have a sister-in-law that lives within that area. Now that we know the situation, we can keep an eye on the weather channel to see how they are fairing.
Curt Myers

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Old 08-17-2008, 01:05 PM
Big-Un Big-Un is offline
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Default Re: Fay may come to visit.

Thanks for your involvment Tim. I was a Systems Operator for a local municipal utility on the East coast of Florida (near West Palm Beach) for 18 years and had to deal with hurricanes and intense stoms many times, so I understand your work. I also worked hand-in-hand (actually through electronic means) with the Systems Operators with all the power supply companies in Florida and I can truly say they are the best in the business. The boys in the Tampa area are very well trained and prepared for any storm that may come their way. Florida Power Corporation is good. All the power supply companies go through a very rigid storm preparedness contingency every year before the "season" begins, so they are well prepared. It doesn't say much for the civilians though, many of whom have never experienced a hurricane and think they can ride out a "little blow," much to their dismay when they are in the middle of one and have to rely on professionals to get them out. I always wondered why those in charge just didn't leave them there, kind of like the survival of the fittest (or dumbest), but then again, we are people that care for others in spite of themselves and do what is necessary to save the helpless. OK, enough of my ranting. All you in Florida be careful and prepared for this hurricane season, as it may turn into a bad one this year.
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Old 08-17-2008, 06:00 PM
Tim C Tim C is offline
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Location: Cutler Bay, So. Florida
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Default Re: Fay may come to visit.

Hurricane Update,

This is from the NHC, the storm is still expected to turn to the north tonight.

If it doesn't, then the panhandle will be at a greater risk for a hit.

The front to the north is expected to impact the storm at some point, that will turn it hard right and to the east.

If it does turn during the night, the west coast should start putting up shutters right away.

This storm is expected to come ashore at a Cat 2 if it doesn't lag too much over the western side of Cuba.

It is already almost a Cat 1 but the mountains on the west side of Cuba are breaking it up.

The newest estimate for landfall is now TAMPA AND NORTH, but it still could skirt the coast and hit Naples too.

Remember that the east side of the storm has the worse winds and rain, passing just off the coast could be as bad as a direct hit.

If you can do it, button everything up tomorrow morning if this turns.

In these warm waters and with a front to impact the storm, remember that Andrew was 200 miles off the east coast and still a TS.

A front came down the state and turned it left. As the storm slid along the front in the warm water, it went up to a Cat 5 in 200 miles.

Now that doesn't mean that this storm will do this, but to think that it will just stay a Cat 1 or even a Cat 2 is a dangerous gamble.

Take whatever precaution that you can do and then stay safe, if it stays a TS or Cat 1, you have only spent a few hours to put up some shutters.

Remember there are often tornadoes too.

I don't want to scare anyone, just inform them, I still have a direct connection to the NHC and get info that may be helpful.

The Blackhawk came about 3:00pm, the kids in the neighborhood were going nuts, the crew was doing a training mission as they came to get the plans and my part of this. So they were in full gear.

I had 2 very young Privates, come running up to my front door with their M 16's.

My 2 soldiers thought I was coming with them, I told them no but they are soldiers, and they only follow orders.

I almost had to go with them, at least to the Airbase where everything was being put on an Air force jet to Tallahassee.

Thankfully I was able to reach the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Tallahassee and get someone to confirm that I wasn't going with them this time.

They know that they can reach me if they need to.

It is too long of a story to tell here, but it was something that I will not forget.

Anyway everyone stay safe,
Pictures of the Blackhawk are coming when they are developed and scanned into a digital photo.

Tim C
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