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With all the wonderful work that gets posted, I have been more than a little reluctant to post any of my projects. While visiting with Daniel Houwer in the chat box the other night, he asked how my engraving was coming along. So here are a couple of recent attempts at engraving for all to see. As I told Daniel, they aren't worth bragging about!
Hi Curt,
Maybe nothing to bragg about yet! compared to all the masters here! At least you are trying and have the guts to post your work! And I admire you for it. Love the rose on the zippo and the bird on the knife. I am no where near an expert enough to tell you what to change, but your at it! Maybe get a bit more leafes around the bird and some shading. You know, Ive got two knifes here for over 6 months. Trying to get a design for them. Drawing on the way to work and on the way back. Cant get anything right in my opinion so I desided to freehand a key. That showed me that my lack of drawing abilitys could be compensated by just doing engraving. I don't know how you get your designs on your subjects but you are engraving zippo's and knifes already! I love you for it and have my knifes right next to me to force a design through to just get engraving. Thank you for your stimulation and inspiration! Daniel |
Hi Daniel
While my shading needs a lot of work as you can tell on the Zippo, I did do some shading on the knife after this picture was taken. As for the leaves, I can draw them better with a pencil than I can engrave them, so far. The keys you posted look good to me ![]() To transfer the designs after sizing them, I used the technique described in one of the tutorials in which you scribe dots onto the metal. It worked well and doesn't smudge ![]() Thank you for looking and for the compliments. I enjoyed chatting with you the other night/day ![]() |
Looks like your on your way. every time we engrave a new project we get a little better. the good thing is when you look back you can say wow.
just keep on engraving on every thing you can it will all come together. keep posting its nice to see others works. *thumbs up* |
Hi Finn
Thank you for the encouragement. I liked your recently posted "Heidi" knife. Is it too early to offer congratulations on your upcoming marriage? |
Hi Curt,
Once you've taken the plunge it just keeps getting easier and more fun. I might add one more suggestion and that's to reduce the amount of background and space between leaves. Fill up the area - the more the better. Chris |
Hi Chris
Thanks for the suggestion. Reducing the amount of background would certainly reduce the amount of time spent on removing and stippling it ![]() I definitely need to spend more time cutting metal to get that skill inline with my drawing skill. |
Curt, thanks for posting. If the less experenced engravers or new people would show their work, it would be very helpful to those starting out.
NO ONE starts out a master engraver but they could get a tip to help them along. When posting here people won't think less of you because your not exeperienced and you have to start somewhere. Looking foreward to more posts, if you have a question or want an opinion just ask. Carl Bleile P.S. if you could a little better picture would be good. |
And keep in mind that Curt is doing everything just with Push Gravers! That should be noted! and aplauded
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Hi Carl
Thank you for taking the time to encourage newbies like me. It is very much appreciated! As for the pictures, at least in the case of the knife, I got in too big a hurray and uploaded the wrong one. I think this one is better and is about as clear as my little Cannon "point and shoot" will get on a close up. The picture of the Zippo I will have to retake. Hi Daniel Thank you for your encouragement to. I've included my drawing on which I based the design for the knife. |
Use a small tripod, a bean bag, anything so you're not holding the camera. Use the timer function to take the shot - it's not like anything's going to run away. You'll be amazed at how much sharper a picture you'll get that way. |
Hi Steve
Thanks for the tip. The tripod, I have been using but I has forgotten about the timer function. Looks like I need to drag out the owners manual to make sure I know how to use it ![]() |
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